Peta : Free vegan starter kit

Did you know that adopting a vegan diet could help you save 100 animals per year?

Getting started is easy! Just fill out the form on PEta website to receive a free copy of PETA’s vegan starter kit.

It will guide you through the transition to a healthier, happier, and longer-lasting life. It has everything from recipes and tips on eating out to health information and videos!

Peta : Free vegan starter kit

Want to get started right now? Check out info on how to go vegan, on making the transition, a two-week meal plan, and a list of accidentally vegan foods (some of your favorite snacks might already be vegan)!

Click the “Go to offer” button below to get started and complete the form with your personal details to submit your entry.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk, its international president. The nonprofit corporation claims that PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters globally. Its slogan is “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.

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