Receive your FREE Giorgio Armani My Way Perfume Sample
How would you like to try out the new perfume by Giorgio Armani?
Right now, Sampler has a new sampling offer. They are offering select Sampler members the chance to receive a FREE sample of Giorgio Armani My Way perfume.
Apply to receive a FREE Girogio Armani My Way perfume sample
To apply for a free perfume sample, you need a Sampler account. If you don’t have one, you can create it in a minute and for free.
Login to your Sampler account to start the process. You should receive an email within an hour informing you that you have registered for the campaign if you are selected.
Click on the “Go to Offer” button below to go to the offer page. Connect with Sampler to answer a few questions to refine your profile. If you get matched with the offered Giorgio Armani Samples, you will be notified and you will receive your FREE perfume sample in the mail.
Every month, new samples will be offered to you with this program on Sampler.
Open to all residents of Canada, all provinces and territories included, who are at least 16 years old or above.
Good luck!